43 research outputs found

    Perceptually Equivalent Resolution in Handheld Devices for Streaming Bandwidth Saving

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    We present the description, results, and analysis of the experiments conducted to find the equivalent resolution associated with handheld devices. That is, the resolution from which users stop perceiving quality improvements if better resolutions are presented to them in such devices. Thus, it is the maximum resolution that it is worth considering for generating and delivering video, as long as sequences are not too intensively compressed. Therefore, the detection of the equivalent resolutions allows for notable savings in bandwidth consumption. Subjective assessments have been carried out on fifty subjects using a set of video sequences of very different nature and four handheld devices with a broad range of screen dimensions. The results prove that the equivalent resolution in current handheld devices is 720p as higher resolutions are not valued by users

    FOLEY-VAE: Generaci\'on de efectos de audio para cine con inteligencia artificial

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    In this research, we present an interface based on Variational Autoencoders trained with a wide range of natural sounds for the innovative creation of Foley effects. The model can transfer new sound features to prerecorded audio or microphone-captured speech in real time. In addition, it allows interactive modification of latent variables, facilitating precise and customized artistic adjustments. Taking as a starting point our previous study on Variational Autoencoders presented at this same congress last year, we analyzed an existing implementation: RAVE [1]. This model has been specifically trained for audio effects production. Various audio effects have been successfully generated, ranging from electromagnetic, science fiction, and water sounds, among others published with this work. This innovative approach has been the basis for the artistic creation of the first Spanish short film with sound effects assisted by artificial intelligence. This milestone illustrates palpably the transformative potential of this technology in the film industry, opening the door to new possibilities for sound creation and the improvement of artistic quality in film productions.Comment: 9 pages, in Spanish, Tecniac\'ustic

    Optimization Techniques for a Physical Model of Human Vocalisation

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    We present a non-supervised approach to optimize and evaluate the synthesis of non-speech audio effects from a speech production model. We use the Pink Trombone synthesizer as a case study of a simplified production model of the vocal tract to target non-speech human audio signals --yawnings. We selected and optimized the control parameters of the synthesizer to minimize the difference between real and generated audio. We validated the most common optimization techniques reported in the literature and a specifically designed neural network. We evaluated several popular quality metrics as error functions. These include both objective quality metrics and subjective-equivalent metrics. We compared the results in terms of total error and computational demand. Results show that genetic and swarm optimizers outperform least squares algorithms at the cost of executing slower and that specific combinations of optimizers and audio representations offer significantly different results. The proposed methodology could be used in benchmarking other physical models and audio types.Comment: Accepted to DAFx 202

    IA Para el Mantenimiento Predictivo en Canteras: Modelado

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    Dependence on raw materials, especially in the mining sector, is a key part of today's economy. Aggregates are vital, being the second most used raw material after water. Digitally transforming this sector is key to optimizing operations. However, supervision and maintenance (predictive and corrective) are challenges little explored in this sector, due to the particularities of the sector, machinery and environmental conditions. All this, despite the successes achieved in other scenarios in monitoring with acoustic and contact sensors. We present an unsupervised learning scheme that trains a variational autoencoder model on a set of sound records. This is the first such dataset collected during processing plant operations, containing information from different points of the processing line. Our results demonstrate the model's ability to reconstruct and represent in latent space the recorded sounds, the differences in operating conditions and between different equipment. In the future, this should facilitate the classification of sounds, as well as the detection of anomalies and degradation patterns in the operation of the machinery.Comment: 10 pages, in Spanish language, 5 figures. Presented in Tecniacustica 2023 conference (Cuenca, Spain

    La fachada de ladrillo en la arquitectura contemporánea

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    El ladrillo es uno de los materiales más antiguos de la construcción, su uso se remonta a los orígenes de la civilización. El ladrillo ha acompañado en las construcción de grandes imperios y en la edificación de grandes edificios, iconos de la arquitectura moderna. En vista de la importancia a lo largo la historia, resulta algo extraño que el estudio del ladrillo no se haya reconocido como merece. La finalidad de este trabajo es, por un lado, hacer un repaso por la historia del ladrillo desde sus origenes. Y, por otro lado, comprender el uso de este material en el siglo XX y XXI, con algunas de las obras arquitectónica más representativas de este periodo que utilizan el ladrillo como material principal en sus diseños. <br /

    Synthesis of Fluorogenic Arylureas and Amides and Their Interaction with Amines: A Competition between Turn-on Fluorescence and Organic Radicals on the Way to a Smart Label for Fish Freshness

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    We describe the synthesis of fluorogenic arylureas and amides and their interaction with primary or secondary amines under air and light in organic-aqueous mixtures to give rise to a new class of persistent organic radicals, described on the basis of their electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), as well as UV–vis, fluorescence, NMR, and quantum mechanics calculations, and their prospective use as multi-signal reporters in a smart label for fish freshness.Funded by the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme (Grant SPS G5536), the Junta de Castilla y León, Consejería de Educación y Cultura y Fondo Social Europeo (Grant BU263P18), and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Grant PID2019-111215RB-100